Planted in God. Growing in Grace. Thriving in Love.

Welcome to Women's Ministry
Thrive is the women’s ministry at The Chapel Church. Our mission is to be planted in God, growing in grace, and thriving in love. We focus on mentorship, discipleship, and biblical literacy. Every year, we organize Mother’s Day lunches/brunches, women’s discipleship trainings, life groups, and reach out to women’s shelters or rehab programs in an attempt to proclaim out the Gospel of Jesus.

From Mother’s Day luncheons to conferences, we offer larger group activities to invite women to encounter Christ and truth while enjoying themselves. Although this is not our primary way of reaching women, we use these events to stay connected to larger groups of women at one time, to build community, foster meaningful relationships, and love others
as Christ has loved us. We invite you to connect and grow with us. We would love for you to get involved with our ministry.