What We Believe
We believe in one God, eternally existing as one essence and three distinct persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit, each of whom is fully God, yet there is one God. (Matthew 28:18-20)
We believe that God created the world from nothing and governs all things in all times in all places. (Genesis 1:1-2; Psalms 24:1)
We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is the perfect revelation of who God is. Jesus Christ is the “image of the invisible God” (Colossians 1:15), the “perfect reflection of God the Father.” (John 5:19)
We believe in the person of the Holy Spirit. We believe the Holy Spirit is our helper. We believe the Holy Spirit convicts us of sin in order to drive us to Jesus Christ for our salvation. The Holy Spirit teaches us all things and brings things back to our remembrance. (John 14:25, John 16:12-15)
We believe that all humanity is created in the image of God and possesses intrinsic dignity and worth. God made humanity male and female in His own image. (Genesis 1:27-30)
We believe the Scriptures, the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments, are the inspired Word of God and are therefore without error in their original writings. (II Timothy 3:16-17)
We believe that sin has fractured all things, leaving the world in desperate need of salvation. (Genesis 3)
We believe that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone. (Hebrews 10:19-25)
We believe that the Church is the body of Christ sent into the world to shine forth the glory of God. (1 Corinthians 12:12-31)